Featured Project


505 Richmond Street West, Toronto

Waterworks at 505 Richmond is a wonderful example of intensification and adaptive re-use. The 1930s public works building has been retained as part of a mixed-use project that combines its Art Deco details with residences, a public athletic facility, and a commercial food hall.

This project required new footings and four new below-grade parking levels, as most of the original building sat on unexcavated ground. Structural elements were added within the existing building to accommodate loading from the new residential towers and 2nd floor YMCA pool: a row of masonry-clad columns forming an arcade along the north side of the food hall act as structural supports for the residential tower directly above.

Status Completed 2023

ClientMOD Developments Inc

ArchitectDiamond Scmitt

Originally an unexcavated ground floor space with 33-foot ceilings, the food hall features a new steel mezzanine structure that doubles the usable floor space. We also reviewed a suspended 10-ton crane that the client wished to keep in place as a decorative reminder of the space’s original use as a workshop for industrial machinery (we found it to be in excellent shape and the crane remains).

Number Of Buildings 1
Building Height 53.6 metres
Floors Above Grade 15 (13 occupied)
Floors Below Grade 4
Residential Units 288
GSA 487,300 sq. ft.
Building Type Mid-Rise
Materials Concrete, Steel, Masonry
Occupancy Mixed-Use; Residential (Condo); Commercial (Restaurant, Retail)
Specialty Components Vertical Addition