Structural Modelling
Structural Modelling
Structural modelling uses software to virtually test the design of a building under various loading conditions such as seismic events and high winds. These programs enable engineers to predict building movements and pinpoint potential weak spots so they can effectively improve the design of the structure where needed. At Jablonsky, our internal programming team has developed cross-program data channels to more easily share information between these softwares, reducing both the chance of human error and the turnaround time on design and drafting revisions.

Structural Modelling
ETABS is a lateral analysis software used for predicting wind and earthquake loading. We create a virtual 3D building model and subject it to virtual conditions to predict building movements under lateral loads and calculate base shears, shear wall loads, and building sways. High-rise buildings may require additional study of wind loading and, in these cases, we use ETABS to prepare Dynamic Data packages to be sent to the external consultant.

Structural Modelling
SAFE is a finite element analysis software that we use most often in the design of large mat foundations and transfer slabs. Bath-tubbed foundation mats are becoming the norm in Toronto, and this software is harnessed to model mat deformations under various loading conditions, including hydrostatic pressure. We often share our results with the Geotechnical Engineer for further analysis.
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