
Materials: Reinforcing

Cast-in-place reinforced concrete construction combines the compressive strength of concrete with the tensile capacity of reinforcement. Reinforcing steel, or rebar, is the most common reinforcing but is not the only option: stainless steel, glass fibre, carbon fibre, and basalt reinforcing bars are available, in addition to high-strength cables and rods for post-tensioned applications. At Jablonsky, we select the most appropriate reinforcing based on the specific goals and requirements of each project.


Bars and Fibers

The traditional and still most common type of reinforcing, rebar, consists of steel bars embedded within concrete elements or masonry walls. Our office reviews rebar shop drawings before construction and inspects the placement of rebar on site to ensure our structural designs are followed correctly.

Rebar is always placed before the concrete is cast. If additional reinforcing is required after construction is complete, carbon fiber reinforcing can be surface applied. Glass fiber and basalt reinforcing are gaining attention as carbon alternatives, particularly in uses requiring thermal bridging and corrosion resistance.



A specialty within our office, post-tensioning uses high-strength steel cables, called 'tendons,' to stiffen walls, columns, slabs, and beams. We have used post-tensioning in a number of slender high-rises and large cantilevers.

In some applications, the high-strength reinforcing cables and rods can be tensioned after the concrete is set. This compresses the concrete after it is hardened for even greater tensile strength and longer spans.

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